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Writer's pictureSgt. Stingray

I Went To Every Cat Café in Sydney To Find Out Which One Is The Best

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Sydney has become hooked on the Cat Café concept that you used to only be able to find overseas.

With 3 Cat Cafes in Sydney and even more across Outer Sydney and N.S.W I wanted to experience them all so you know which one to visit.

I'll tell you what I liked, what I didn't, and order the list from my favourite to least favourite.

First Place: Pokemeow Cat Café

munchkin cat sleeping on a cat tower

It was quite hard to pick my number one spot, but Pokemeow has taken it out. This cat Café has just a few extra things that got it the top spot.

The environment here is what gets it over the line. With a very laid back feel, and a huge modern space it was just nice to be here.

The coffee was good, the cats were good and the food was good, this Cat Café being the only one in Sydney that also serves food.

My Favourite Parts:

  • Huge variety in cats, with lots of special and different breeds

  • The cats were very sociable and friendly

  • The play area was very large

  • Being able to grab lunch from the café afterwards

My Least Favourite Parts:

  • There seemed to be a case of cat flu when we visited, so about 3 of the cats were sick

Second Place: Catmosphere Cat Cafe

two adorable cats snuggling together in a cat bed

The Cafe that started it all, Catmosphere takes out my very close second place spot.

With so many activities and options for entry, deciding which room I wanted to book was the worst part about Catmosphere.

They have the option to visit the Kitties, the Juniors or the Seniors. They also offer a cat cinema and cat yoga!

I really enjoyed my time here, it was the only Cat Cafe we had visited where I completely lost track of time because of how playful the cats were.

My Favourite Parts:

  • The cats were incredibly sweet here

  • Multiple Cat rooms to choose from

  • All cats are adoptable (the only café where the cats are up for adoption)

My Least Favourite Parts:

  • The room had a very strong kitty litter odour

Third Place: Yumiao Cat Cafe

A cat curled up on a cat armchair

Despite being the busiest Café we had visited, this was easily my least favourite of the three.

The layout of the Café was very cramped and the cats were just not interested in interaction at all.

Yumiao has the largest roster of all the cafes, but I think this works against them. It just seems like far too many cats in such a small space, as there were a few cat conflicts in our time visiting.

My Favourite Parts:

  • They had these top cat and rude cat of the week posters that were up, and you could see the previous top and bottom cats of the week in a folder. These were hilarious!

My Least Favourite Parts:

  • How cramped the play room was

  • Cats were not interested at all with interaction

  • Multiple Cat fights in our time there

Now go forth and book in to play with some kitties today!

This has been my own personal experience, to truly know if it is right for you, that is for yourself to experience.

While I may offer affiliate links, meaning I can earn money if you purchase through me, Mission Unknown does not do promoted posts, to ensure all posts you read here are true and honest.

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